JT Luster & Sons Trucking & Transportation offers the best overall trucking and transporting jobs throughout the Mid-West. Focusing on the retail and asphalt industry with plans to diversify wit new industries service.
JT Luster & Sons Trucking & Transportation is committed to improving the quality of life for our clients and drivers by providing the best equipment, superior pay, and efficient operations and load planning that allow them to maximize their career and family life.
We are a trucking and transportation company with over 25 years of trucking experience, owned and operated by family of truckers and transporters. Our business is focused and centered on the needs and happiness of delivering and transporting goods and services for our clients.
We are innovative and paving the way for the rest of the trucking and transportation industry. We are a family friendly, and professional business where our clients are the central focus of our company.
JT Luster & Son Trucking & Transportation will offer both for-hire trucking and transportation as well as private carriers. Most of our business will be delivered from the private carriers. For the private carrier segment, both truck load and less than truck load will be offered. JT Luster & Son Trucking & Transportation will be attractive to the retail and asphalt industry, as participants in the industry typically use referrals, reputation, and customer service as purchasing variables.
Our mission is to provide best in class transportation services to our customer's safety and efficiently by utilizing quality personnel and resources. Offering cost effective, environmentally friendly, and problem-solving solutions that assist our customers in achieving their objectives.